Singkawang Airport

Location: Singkawang, West Borneo, Indonesia

Type: Airport

Site Area: 162 Ha

Gross Floor Area: 8,000 sqm

Building Height (storeys):16 m (1 1/2 storey)



Singkawang comes from the Hakka language “San Khew Jong”, etymologically means a city located in the hills adjacent to the sea and estuary. Tidayu culture became an inspiration in the concept of developing the Singkawang airport, where the formation of the masses was taken from the characteristics of each traditional Chinese, Dayak, and Malay house.

For Chinese-cultural buildings, take a case study of the Tjhia House which has been established for more than 100 years, and has become a cultural destination rich in historical value. Houses that have open spaces, namely the courtyard in the center of the building and the side for natural lighting are included in the building concept.

The Dayak building, take the case study of the Dayak Traditional House, one of the icons that shows unity and plurality in the city of Singkawang. The concept of building size adapts the Dayak house concept to its elongated shape and columns which give the impression of a stilt house.

The Malay building, take the case study of the Balai Serumpun Malay House, which is also one of the icons that shows unity and plurality in the city of Singkawang. The concept of the building takes on the roof of Malay traditional houses which are piled up and the number of windows and openings on each side of the building creates good air circulation in the space.