Inauguration of Singkawang Cultural Center

One of our recent cultural projects, Singkawang Cultural Center just inaugurated on December 18, 2017. At the same time, also opened Insight Singkawang 2.0 exhibition which showcase the history and potential of Singkawang City from the past, present and future. The inauguration ceremony of Singkawang Cultural Center was also attended by Governor, Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan and Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Singkawang

Singkawang Cultural Center is a building that promotes the culture and arts in Singkawang. It is a space aims to strengthen the bond between people of the community through engagement with arts and cultural activities. It is a place of gather to express elements of Singkawang heritage through the architectural design of the building, the local cuisne, performing arts, and visual arts in display within the building. Singkawang CUltural Center can be a meeting point in small communities where people come together to preserve tradition and develope cultural activities